Shoulder Therapy

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Shoulder Tendinitis: This condition involves shoulder tendon injury, resulting in pain, inflammation, and restricted movement. Overuse, repetitive motions, or trauma are common causes. Symptoms include pain during shoulder or arm movement, a grinding or clicking sensation, and diminished range of motion. Specific types include supraspinatus tendinitis and biceps tendinitis.

Rotator Cuff Tear: High-impact trauma can lead to tears in shoulder muscles, causing severe pain, swelling, and restricted shoulder motion.

Shoulder Bursitis and Impingement Syndrome: Often observed in swimmers, inflammation in the rotator cuff tendon or bursa can impede shoulder structures. Symptoms include difficulty moving the shoulder overhead, pain, and swelling.

Frozen Shoulder: Also known as adhesive capsulitis, this condition induces pain and stiffness in the shoulder.

Shoulder Dislocation: Instability in the shoulder joint due to trauma or muscle tear may dislocate the shoulder from its position, with a popping sound during movement being a common symptom.

Common Causes:

  • Overuse/Repetitive strain injury
  • Swimming
  • Sports like Volleyball and Basketball
  • Construction work
  • Weight lifting
  • Repetitive overhead tasks like painting or cleaning
  • Falling on an outstretched hand or sustaining a blow injury to the shoulder

Common Signs and Symptoms:

  • Tenderness over the shoulder joint
  • Swelling and pain
  • Difficulty in reaching or moving the shoulder overhead
  • Difficulty in climbing ladders

Physiotherapy Treatment for Shoulder Pain in Cambridge:

Short-Term Goals:

-Reduce pain and swelling through rest, ice, compression, and anti-inflammatory medications (as per physician)

- Physical therapy may be recommended to reduce pain and improve range of motion

Shoulder Pain Physiotherapy at Cambridge Bounce Back Physio Clinic Includes:

- Education about Do’s and Don’ts

- Planning and pacing daily life activities

- Manual therapy, including Active Release Technique and Joint Mobilization, to release tight muscles and joints

- IASTM focusing on releasing scar tissues in tendons and muscles

- Appropriate techniques for stretches and strengthening to prevent future injuries

- Quality shoulder braces to prevent future injuries

Contact Cambridge Bounce Back Physio Clinic today for SHOULDER Tendinitis treatment. Share your symptoms, and let's work together to restore your motion and enhance your quality of life.